Portals exist all around us within the vast expanse of space & time & realities. Some we are aware of; others are revealed to a gifted few. As a metalsmith who creates functional objects I began to wonder what instruments one might use to contemplate the world of portals.

Cosmotarium #1
Engraved & painted pewter, glass, wood
“Cosmotarium #1 ” represents the cosmic portal between the event horizon of a Black Hole and whatever (if anything) exists in the universe on the other side.

Transportable Kindred Interdimensional Monitoring Point
Etched & polished pewter, glass, paper
A “Transportable Kindred Interdimensional Monitoring Point” is a tool (and a nod to an internet meme) with which the experienced practitioner can open and close portals in multi-dimensional space.

Planished pewter, brass, glass, black sand
The "Hourglass" measures the duration of our passage thru a portal. And of course we don't know how much time we have left. Only the maker of the Hourglass knows.

Black Hole in a tetrahedral universe
Painted pewter
There are many experiences of black holes & they are all portals.